Services offer

Translation between English and Japanese

Order Form

We offer a translation service between English and Japanese for either direction. (English → Japanese and Japanese → English).

You can order the service via our quick, simple and easy-to-use interface on our website. For the detail of the procedure of an order, take a look at "Order Flowchart", please. Or alternatively, Contact us any time.

A translation example: Jefferson's word, taken from Addicted to War

An excerpt of translation: Addicted to War by Joel Andreas, tranlsated by Y. Kikuchi, M. Sakano et al.

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Evaluation of translated documents (between English and Japanese)

Order Form

You can order the service very easily from our website. See Flowchart of an order for the details of the procedure and format of the acceptable document. Or, simply contact us, please.

When you have a translated document either from English to Japanese or the other way around, we will evaluate the translation to see how accurate and good the translation is.

A note with awful translation found in a hotel in Japan


For example, if you want to have an independent check about the translation, which you have got from another translator, this service will be for you. Or, it is ideal for learners of Japanese (or English) to see how good their translation is.

You can order the service here.
If you decide to want a translation of the same document from scratch by us after you have used this service, we will accept it with a discounted fee.

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Proofreading of Japanese (or English) documents

Order Form

We offer a proofreading service of your Japanese (or English) document.

You can order the service very easily from our website. See Flowchart of an order for the details of the procedure and format of the acceptable document. Or, simply contact us, please.

A cartoon of proofreading

An idea of proofreading (our actual format will be different).

We make not only simple grammertical checks but also propose some more natural expressions in the language. Japanese and English are very different in the structures. Also, the western world and Japan are very different in their cultures. For those reasons, expressions translated straight from English to Japanese are often not the best ones in Japanese, if not quite incorrect. In our service of proofreading, we will even consider those advanced points, if you want, and propose the best Japanese expressions.

We also offer the proofreading service of English articles (that are perhaps written by a non-native speaker). Please specify your preference of the language, either English or Japanese, for our response to communicate with you.

You can make an order from here.
Note if you have the same document in the original language, please use our evaluation service instead.

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